Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Real Story in Kenya

Even though America and Britain seem hell bent on arm twisting good old Sir Emilio's hand, it is technically impossible to do that. Kenya's Constitution effectively renders any power sharing deal ineffective. Dead before it even begins. Why? Because while it allows for a coalition government, it does not cater for power sharing which is what America, Britan and the EU are calling for. That's misplaced ideology and Annan better understand that his efforts at that particular issue will fall flat. Other aspects of his mediation efforts may work depending on how Britain behaves seeing that she has taken it on herself to lecture and dictate to Kenyans what they should do at this time.

Does it bother you O land of the Queen that all your former colonies ever learned from you was the art of perfecting corruption and misrule? When leaders collect taxes and award themselves huge salaries it echoes Britain's thievery in construction the railway line and siphoning off large amounts of raw materials from Kenya without asking the Kenyans for permission to do so. When ruthless leaders instruct their tribesmen to rise up and kill other tribesmen, it's akin to what Her Majesty's government did in the early 50's when she led other Kenyan tribes in a brutal campaign of murder, torture and repression of one particular sub-group: GEMA. Yes, what's happening in Kenya today parallels that dark past very well. Raila and Ruto have tried to incite other tribes to attack the Kikuyus but so far only their respective tribes have taken arms. The Maasai traditionally have been allies to the Kikuyus and despite Ntimama's rhetorics, this time they have not been as violent as Raila and Ruto would have them be. The Turkana have nothing against the Kikuyus and so are the Samburu and a host of other tribes as well. Just like the strategy failed during the time of British rule, so it'll fail again this time.

Is it a coincidence then that all this is taking place at a time when Britain has lost many contracts to the Chinese? What is the connection here?

The real story behind the Kenyan crisis is that pressure from elsewhere won't work. Let Kenyans sort out their problems in their own way. There are glaring issues that need to be addressed. For example who fired the first arrow and why? Why has the world remained silent when innocent Kenyans were butchered in 1992, 1997, 2002 and now 2007? What crime did they commit other than being zealous for survival? Why is that ugly history a non factor in the negotiations? Has one community become a butcher's playground?

Kenya must remain one. That's what Kenyans fought and died for in the 50's.

"Still waters run deep"

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